Pursuant to Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (Rules), all unclaimed/un-encashed dividends are required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government, after the completion of seven years. Further, according to the Rules, the shares in respect of which dividend has not been claimed or encashed by the shareholders for a period of seven consecutive years or more shall also be transferred to the demat account created by the IEPF Authority in accordance with the Rules.The company sends periodic communication to the respective shareholders to claim/encash the dividend.


September 27, 2024


Mr. Beejal Desai
Executive Vice President
Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary (Group)
Email-Id: investorrelations@ihcltata.com
Contact no: 022-61371605

Unclaimed Dividend liable to be transferred to the IEPF
The following table provides a list of years for which unclaimed dividends and their corresponding shares would become eligible to be transferred to the IEPF on the dates mentioned below:


Year Type of dividend Dividend per share (In ₹.) Date of declaration Due date for transfer to IEPF
2016-17 Final 0.3500 August 21, 2017 September 27, 2024
2017-18 Final 0.4000 July 19, 2018 August 25, 2025
2018-19 Final 0.5000 June 20, 2019 July 26, 2026
2019-20 Final 0.5000 July 27, 2020 September 2, 2027
2020-21 Final 0.4000 June 22, 2021 July 28, 2028
2021-22 Final 0.4000 June 30, 2022 August 5, 2029
2022-23 Final 1.0000 June 16, 2023 July 22, 2030


The Shareholders may input the following to check the unclaimed dividend:
1. Shares held in Physical mode - Folio No. (Eg: ITL000000)
2. Shares held in Dematerialized Mode:
NSDL - 6 digit/character DP ID and 8 digit client ID (Eg: IN30000010000000)
CDSL - 16 digit client ID (Eg: 1200000000002000)


*Data updated as on May 31, 2024

Details of shareholders, whose dividend is liable be transferred to IEPF
Shareholders are requested to claim the dividend of the financial year 2016-17 by submitting the required details to company’s RTA Link Intime India Private Limited on or before September 6, 2024. Kindly note that all requests received till September 6, 2024 will be processed only through electronic credit. The dividend payment will be processed if the request is found appropriate in all respects.

To know the details of shareholders, whose dividend is liable be transferred to IEPF in 2024, please input the following in the box below:

1. Shares held in Physical mode - Folio No. (Eg: ITL000000)
2. Shares held in Dematerialized Mode:
NSDL - 6 digit/character DP ID and 8 digit client ID (Eg: IN30000010000000)
CDSL - 16 digit client ID (Eg: 1200000000002000)


*Data updated as on May 31, 2024

Transfer of equity shares to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
All shares of the Company in respect of which dividends have remained unclaimed or un-encashed for seven consecutive years or more, are required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (‘IEPF’) established by the Government of India.

Details of Equity Shares liable to be transferred to the IEPF

The Company will be transferring the underlying shares pertaining to dividend declared for the financial year 2016-17 on which dividend is unclaimed/un-encashed for seven consecutive years.

Shareholders may input the following to check the number of shares liable to be transferred to IEPF authority:

1. Shares held in Physical mode - Folio No. (Eg: ITL000000)
2. Shares held in Dematerialised Mode:

NSDL - 6 digit/character DP ID and 8-digit client ID (Eg: IN30000010000000)
CDSL - 16-digit client ID (Eg: 1200000000002000)


*Data updated as on May 31, 2024

Refund to claimants from Fund

Any person whose shares, unclaimed dividend, etc., has been transferred to the Fund, may claim their refunds to the IEPF Authority by submitting an online application in Form IEPF-5 available on the website of Investor Education and Protection Fund at https://www.iepf.gov.in/IEPF/refund.html

Communication to Shareholders relating to IEPF
Newspaper publication of IEPF Notice – 2024
Newspaper publication of IEPF Notice – 2023
Newspaper publication of IEPF Notice – 2020